Consumer Information Disclosure
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to enrolled and prospective students, parents, employees, and the public. The following information is disclosed to you in compliance with federal law. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, please call or email the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.
ADA and Accommodations
Accommodations Policy & Procedure Manual
For more information, please contact:
Sharon Lease, Ed.D.
Vice President of Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer
(405) 692-3153
[email protected]
Mid-America Christian University
3500 SW 119th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
(405) 691-3800
[email protected]
Academic Programs and Institutional Information
University Registrar
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 692-3201
[email protected]
Teacher Education
Annual Reporting Measures for CAEP/State Accreditation
MACU School of Teacher Education 2023 OEQA Report
2024 Title II Report – Oklahoma
Teacher Education – Professional Licensure Disclosures
College Navigator
College Navigator is a free consumer information tool designed to help students, parents, high school counselors, and others search for and obtain information about U.S. postsecondary institutions.
Student Complaint Process
Students who have a complaint should first review the Appeals and Complaints section of the MACU Student Handbook to ensure the complaint is properly filed.
Formal Student Complaint Process and Form
For complaints dealing with an online course, use the link below.
SARA Online Course Complaint Process
For students residing in Texas:
The links below are for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board’s Student Complaints page with forms and a description of the complaint procedure:
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
The following link is for the rules governing student complaints-Title 19 of the Texas Administrative Code, Sections 1.110-1.120:
Student Complain Governing Rules (Texas)
Confidentiality of Student Records (FERPA)
University Registrar
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 692-3201
[email protected]
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. MACU publishes a Privacy of Student Records that delineates student rights under FERPA. In addition, MACU information on confidentiality of student records is published in the University Catalog.
The FERPA policy includes our policy on Request to Disclose, Consent not Required, and Subpoenas.
Constitution Day
Contact Information
Access the MACU Staff Directory
Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policies and Sanctions
Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policies and Sanctions
For more information, contact:
Office of Information Technology
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 703-8200
[email protected]
Cost of Attendance and Financial Assistance
Cohort Default Rate (CDR)

(School Code: 006942)
Students Receiving Federal Loans
The share of full-time, first-time undergraduate students who borrowed federal loans to help pay for college.
Note that this percentage does not include students who transferred into the institution, part-time students, and non-first-year students.
The current national average for private non-profit institutions according to National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators ( is 1.7%.
Almost 66% of college students who graduated with the class of 2018 took out student loans, but that percentage varies from school to school. At MACU, approximately 73% of students took out student loans averaging $6,299 a year. That adds up to $25,196 over four years for those students.
Title IV Loan Program Code of Conduct
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Financial Aid – Your Rights and Responsibilities
For more information, contact:
Student Financial Services
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 692-3204
[email protected]
Crime Statistics and Campus Security Policies
In case of emergency, please dial 911.
MACU’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is given to current students, prospective students and employees to inform them of crime statistics for the prior three years, policy statements regarding various safety and security measures, campus crime prevention program descriptions and procedures to be followed in the investigation and prosecution of alleged sex offenses. Below is a link to the most current copy of MACU’s Annual Fire Safety and Security Report. To obtain a paper copy of this report please contact the Director of Public Safety at 405-691-3800 or email [email protected].
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
Campus Safety and Security Survey Certificate
HEERF Reporting
CARES Act Update
Mid-America Christian University returned to the Department of Education the executed “Funding Certification and Agreement for Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Student under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, Economy Security (CARES) Act” on April 22, 2020. The University received notice on April 27, 2020, that we had received an award of $358,376.00. This amount represents fifty percent of the total refunds to be received by the University until Section 18004(a)(1) and will be used by the University to provide emergency financial aid to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.
The Department of Education has stipulated that the following criteria must be met for eligibility.
An eligible student must:
- be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at MACU
- be a U.S. Citizen or an Eligible Non-Citizen who is eligible for Title IV funding
- have a valid Social Security Number (SSN)
- have submitted a FAFSA for the 2019-2020 school year and determined to be eligible to receive Title IV funds
- not have been enrolled in all-online courses only on March 13, 2020
- not have defaulted on a student loan
- not owe grant refunds
- be maintaining satisfactory academic progress as required for Title IV funds
- not be concurrently enrolled in elementary or secondary (high school)
The University determined all of the students that were eligible under the HEERF guidelines would receive a portion of the student grant. The distribution amounts were determined based on the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus. This included courses no longer being offered on campus, inability to live on campus, and inability to continue to participate in the campus meal plans. Additionally, a change in access to course materials, technology, healthcare, and child care was considered when determining the student’s possible expenses related to the disruption of campus operations.
The University communicated with those students who were eligible to receive these funds. Students were given an opportunity to update their addresses and/or provide direct deposit information to ensure the funds could be provided to the student as quickly as possible. Emergency grant funds were disbursed directly to students during the dates of May 13-20, 2020.
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF funds as of 5/20/20:
- Total Amount of Funds Allocated to MACU: $358,376.00
- Total Amount of Funds Distributed to students as of 5/20/2020: $365,250.00
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 390
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 390
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF II), as part of the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA), provided additional money to colleges and universities to prevent, prepare and respond to COVID-19. A portion of these funds is earmarked for distribution as emergency student grants for costs that arose due to COVID-19, including tuition, food, housing, health care, or child care.
Unlike the CARES Act (HEERF I), institutions are required to prioritize grants to students with exceptional financial needs, such as those who receive federal Pell Grants (need-based grants). Unlike CARES funds, the HEERF II funds can be awarded to online students as well and, can be applied to a student’s outstanding account balance if the student provides written (or electronic), affirmative consent. Students must meet the following criteria for consideration for HEERF II funds:
- Demonstrate significant financial need with preference given to Pell-eligible students (to determine this, MACU required all students to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and have 2020-2021 FAFSA on file)
- Be enrolled as a degree-seeking student on-campus or online program for the spring 2021 semester.
Please note that by federal guidelines, international and undocumented (DACA) students are not eligible to receive HEERF II funds.
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF II funds as of 04/30/21:
- Total Amount of HEERF II Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $358,376.00
- Total Amount of HEERF II Funds Distributed to students as of 04/30/2021: $214,453.49
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF II funds: 118
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 118
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 1623
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF II funds as of 06/30/21:
- Total Amount of HEERF II Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $358,376.00
- Total Amount of HEERF II Funds Distributed to students as of 06/30/2021: $358,376.00
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF II funds: 191
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 191
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 1633
The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) was signed on March 11, 2021, and includes approximately $39.6 billion for the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and represents the third stream of funding appropriated for HEERF to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Mid-America Christian University was awarded $3,218,585.00 in total HEERF III funds.
The HEERF III program requires at least half of the institution’s allocation under ARP (a)(1) must be used to make emergency financial aid grants to students. The minimum amount that was calculated by the Department of Education that the Mid-America Christian University must use for financial aid grants to students must be at least $1,698,958.00
What is different with HEERF III?
Students who are or were enrolled in an institution of higher education on or after the date of the declaration of the national emergency due to the coronavirus (March 13, 2020) are eligible for emergency financial aid grants from the HEERF, regardless of whether they completed a FAFSA or are eligible for Title IV. The CRRSAA requires that institutions prioritize students with exceptional needs, such as students who receive Pell Grants or are undergraduates with extraordinary financial circumstances, in awarding emergency financial aid grants to students.
Which students are eligible to receive HEERF III emergency financial aid grants?
As announced in the Department’s final rule, “Eligibility To Receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students Under HEERF” (May 14, 2021, 86 FR 26608) (final rule), the term “student,” for purposes of the phrases “grants to students,” “emergency financial aid grants to students,” and “financial aid grants to students” as used in the HEERF programs, is now defined as any individual who is or was enrolled (as defined in 34 CFR § 668.2) at an eligible institution (as defined in 34 CFR § 600.2) on or after March 13, 2020, the date of declaration of the national emergency due to the coronavirus (85 FR 15337). Thus, students are no longer required to be eligible for Title IV student financial aid in order to receive HEERF grants to students.
- Students must be enrolled for the semester they are applying for emergency grant funds. Students taking non-credit courses are not eligible.
- Students must complete an online HEERF III Emergency Relief Grant Application by the established deadline.
- Have expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus, including the eligible fees under a student’s cost of attendance such as tuition, food, housing, course materials, technology, health care, child care, mental or health expenses.
How do students receive their HEERF III emergency financial aid grants?
Mid-America Christian University is working to distribute HEERF III Emergency Relief Grants to eligible students who have been impacted by the COVID 19 Pandemic. Students can submit a request for these emergency funds by completing the online form beginning June 25, 2021. The application will continue to be accepted as long as funds are available.
Students have two options if found eligible to receive the grant funds:
(1) Students can authorize MACU to apply the HEERF III Emergency Relief Grant to their student account and any current institutional charges. Any excess funds remaining after applying to eligible charges will be distributed to the student.
(2) Students can choose to have HEERF III Emergency Relief Grant distributed directly to them.
If you have questions or concerns about HEERF III Relief Grant funding or the application process, please contact the Office of Financial Aid or email questions to [email protected].
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF III funds as of 06/30/21:
- Total Amount of HEERF III Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $1,698,958.00
- Total Amount of HEERF III Funds Distributed to students as of 06/30/2021: $34,263.68
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF III funds: 7
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 7
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 1802
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF III funds as of 09/30/21:
- Total Amount of HEERF III Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $1,698,958.00
- Total Amount of HEERF III Funds Distributed to students as of 09/30/2021: $446,589.58
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF III funds: 152
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 152
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 2354
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF III funds as of 12/31/21:
- Total Amount of HEERF III Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $1,698,958.00
- Total Amount of HEERF III Funds Distributed to students as of 12/31/2021: $875,769.31
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF III funds: 335
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 335
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 2473
Below are the details of the usage of the HEERF III funds as of 03/31/22:
- Total Amount of HEERF III Emergency Grant Funds Allocated to MACU: $1,698,958.00
- Total Amount of HEERF III Funds Distributed to students as of 03/31/2022: $1,698,958.00
- Estimated number of students who applied for HEERF III funds: 452
- Estimated number of students to whom funds were distributed: 452
- Estimated number of students who were eligible for the HEERF student grant: 2834
Institutional Reporting
Licensure Rates
Notice to Title IV Recipients-Book Voucher Policy
Students who are eligible for Pell grant and will be eligible for a refund after the aid has posted may receive a book voucher to purchase his/her books through the Campus Bookstore. Once all documents are received to determine eligibility, a book voucher is available to eligible students. The amount of the book purchase will be placed on the student’s account and the balance due will be deducted from the refund amount after the financial aid posts to the student account. If the student withdraws, drops classes, or loses financial aid eligibility, he/she will be responsible for repaying this charge along with any tuition or fees that are due.
To determine if you are eligible, contact:
Student Financial Services
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 692-3204
[email protected]
Placement and Education of Graduates
Placement and Education of Graduates
Safeguarding Customer Information
Mid-America Christian University takes the privacy of students, parents, donors, alumni, employees and all other customers’ data very seriously. The Office of Information Technology employs several policies and technologies for safeguarding this information. The technologies are both hardware and software based.
The Office of Information Technology performs various risk assessments and continually monitors and adjusts it practices to stay current with industry standards. The Chief Information Officer serves as the designated coordinator of these security efforts.
For more information about Mid-America Christian University’s Information Security Program, please contact:
Jody Allen
Vice President of Operations, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Information Officer
(405) 692-3130
[email protected]
School of Behavioral Science and Counseling
Counseling – Professional Licensure Disclosures
School of Business Leadership
SMS Communications
Student Achievement
Mid-America Christian University is committed to providing easy access to Student Achievement information for its prospective and future students. Using either the link below provides access information such as; student retention rates, completion rates or other information appropriate for the mission of the institution and its goals for students.
Student Achievement – External
Student Achievement – Internal
Student Right-To-Know Act
The Student Right-to-Know Act, passed by Congress in 1990, requires institutions eligible for Title IV funding, under the Higher Education Act of 1965, to calculate completion or graduation rates of certificate- or degree-seeking, full-time students entering that institution, and to disclose these rates to current and prospective students. Every institution that participates in any Title IV program and is attended by students receiving athletically-related student aid is required to disclose graduation/completion rates of all students as well as students receiving athletically-related student aid by race/ethnicity, gender and by sport, and the average completion or graduation rate for the four most recent years, to parents, coaches, and potential student athletes. To read more about the Student Right-to-Know Act, please visit the National Center for Education Statistics website at
Information is provided to each prospective student athlete and his or her parents, coaches, and counselors when an offer of athletically related student aid is made to the prospective student athletes.
Graduation and Retention Rates for Student Athletes
For more information, contact:
University Registrar
Mid-America Christian University
(405) 692-3201
[email protected]
Title IX and Section 504
If you would like to file a Title IX or Section 504 Grievance, please contact the University Compliance Officer:
Title IX
Jessica Russell
Executive Director of Human Resources
[email protected]
Section 504
Mark Robichaud
Coordinator of Accommodations and Testing
[email protected]
Voter Registration
Information on voting in local, state, and federal elections, including a copy of the Oklahoma voter registration form, may be accessed at the state of Oklahoma’s Official website.
Oklahoma Voter Registration Form
Nonresident students may find voter information about their specific states through the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.
U.S. Election Assistance Commission
Vaccination Policies
Submit Immunization Records or Waivers
Oklahoma Statute, Title 70 3244 requires documentation of the student’s immunization to be provided to Mid-America Christian University. The following shots are required: Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B, and Meningitis. There is information on each of these immunizations linked below for your convenience. Please send a copy of your immunization records to the Office of Student Life (contact information listed to the right). If you will be exercising the right not to be immunized, the appropriate waiver form(s) below will need to be sent to the Office of Student Life Office.
Please send a copy of your immunization records to the Office of Student Life:
Office of Student Life
Mid-America Christian University
3500 SW 119th
Oklahoma City, OK 73170
Phone: (405) 692-3242
Fax: (405) 692-3165
[email protected]
Information Updated: Wednesday, August 8, 2022